My sweet angel has a personality that is always evolving. She has a gift for squeezing into small spaces and finding any nearby cord to pull on. The only cord that is still accessible to her is the phone cord. Whenever she has the opportunity Grace will crawl under the end table and search for the last cord standing. When I snapped this photo she was about to dive under the table.
In other news...Ellie's food and water bowls have been relocated. Grace loved playing in the water bowl. It was just a matter of time before she sampled the food. What will she get into next??
Every time I see that "Elvis" look, it just cracks me up. I have to check in just so I can see that and get a little chuckle.
Oh, yeah, I hadn't thought about the dog's bowls yet. Guess I'll be doing something about that here very soon.
You certainly have an explorer on your hands. A seriously cute explorer at that!
You've gotten some really beautiful photos of sweet Gracie! I LOVE the one of her on the floor though with her feet up on the couch!
I think with Gracie you might need to hide the car keys already!!!! She always seems to have the "who me???" look on her face when you catch her up to something.
To cute.
She is so beautiful! Her eyes are just so amazing!
SHe is just absolutely adorable! I agree about the car keys...and get a toilet lock, too, mine went in there once!
she is just precious! I just love her expressions! Couldn't get any cuter than that! Glad you had a great first Mother's day!
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