The Que Son Girls
Grace's history is with Lucy and Lily Ana. She has known them longer than she has known me. I am so thankful that the girls will always have each other. I am also thankful that their moms are my lifelong friends.
Saturday was great. Lily Ana's mom was gracious enough to open her home to us. Very brave lady. There is no way I can describe to you how beautiful they were playing together on the floor. Little bitty Lily Ana was amazing the way she fearlessly kept up with Lucy and Gracie. She is three months younger, but she refused to be bested by the bigger girls.
Lucy and Grace had a great time checking out Lily Ana's toys. This was a favorite.

I was speechless when I saw how much Lucy had grown. She is almost as tall as Grace. It shouldn't be surprising. She and Grace are only two weeks apart in age, but Grace has always been so extremely tall.
I was anxious to see how Grace interacted with the girls. She doesn't go to daycare and her cousins are older. She hasn't really had the opportunity to play with other kids her age. They were all fantastic. If you didn't know better, you would have thought that they play together all the time!
We spent four hours at Susan's house where they played, ate and napped. Kelly, Susan, my sister Terri and I enjoyed the girls and each other's company. We ended the day at a restaurant where the girls were the center of attention. People would come up and say "I don't mean to be nosy, but what's going on?" They were always touched and amazed as we told them the story.
On Sunday we all met up for lunch where we were joined by the lovely Annslee and her parents. She is such a big girl and Grace would just watch her at lunch. Annslee would do something and Grace would just giggle. It was fantastic.
It was very sad to part. We stood around outside the restaurant and talked for a while. There were lots of pictures taken. I left my camera in the car, but check out the pictures that Kelly took. They are fantastic.
When we got home Grace was worn out and ready to get out of the carseat. She had been in a carseat, highchair or stroller most of the day. She was thankful to get down and crawl a while. Then she was out.
Tomorrow will be another big day. Grace will be a year old! Check back for birthday pictures.
Lucy looking like a beautiful little present.

Lily Ana getting some loving from her momma.

Happy Birthday Gracie!!!!!
I wish we could have come down this weekend for the get together, Cami would have had a blast and my Mom andI would of loved to see all the cute little girls together.
And, of coarse everyone wanted to stop and ask you about your girls, they are just to cute for words!!!!! :)
Happy first birthday, sweet Gracie!!!! I hope your day is just as special as you are.
We had such a blast last weekend and I'm so happy we were all able to be in the same place at the same time. Seeing the three Que Son girls together just filled my heart with joy and happiness.
I, too, feel very blessed to have made forever friends with you guys -- there are just no words. You know, I was thinking... one day our girls will probably complain to each other about us! LOL.
Love the photos. I hope I'll be able to post soon. (I really hate Internet problems!) Let's find a way to get together again really soon!
Happy birthday, again, Gracie.
Hi Sherri and Gracie,
Happy, happy birthday Gracie...what a wonderful mom you have!
Grace - Today is your birthday!! I am so excited for you but so sad that you and Lucy are getting so darn big on us! Happy Birthday girl. Tear up some cake today and have a blast.
Sherri - I had the most amazing time this weekend. It was even more fun than I had expected, which is hard to believe. Thanks for being such a wonderful friend to Lucy, Justin, and me. We are so blessed to have you all in our lives. I promise to email the pictures to you and Susan. It probably won't be until tomorrow though when I have more time to get them all uploaded. Thanks again for everything!! We love you guys.
Happy Birthday Sweet Grace!!!! I hope you have a wonderful day. Can't wait to see a pic of your face covered in cake : )
So glad we got to meet you, your Mama and your Aunt Terri. Hopefully we can get together again soon.
I am friends with your friend Lucy (my name is Lucy, too!) and I just had to post to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! My Mommy has been following your story for a while...since before your Mommy met you...and she thinks you are adorable. All the best to you on this special day.
Happy Birthday Gracie!!!
I hope you have a day filled with lots of frosting kisses and ice cream dreams!
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