Grace now has a big girl bed. She had absolutely no trouble transitioning from a baby bed to a full bed. She is loving having lots of room.Constantly amazes me the things she says. She and I were going out the door the other day and she said "Ellie (our dog) stay here." They really do pay attention.Still working on potty trainingSchool is going well. I have an A in 5 of my classes and 1 B.Had fun on Halloween. Even though I was running like I had my hair on fire! Didn't feed my daughter until 8pm. Thank goodness we had candy to see us through.One of Grace's first words was duck. I have no idea why, but it always amazed how she pronounced it perfectly. She likes those hard, definite sounds like k and t. Whenever she sings Old McDonald she does duck over and over. She has many ducks that accompany her in the bath. She has many, many stuffed ducks as well. Well I thought it was appropriate...

Have you ever seen such a cute duck?

She ALWAYS thinks her Pappy is hilarioussssss.
But he was really funny with her duck head on.
Such a cute duck! Oh man this is weird, I just looked down and saw what the letters are that I have to type to verify I'm a "real" person, and I have to type "thaduck". How strange is that!
That is randomly generated right?
awww she is just adorable!!!!!!! We haven't transitioned Addy to her bed yet - we have to buy the mattresses. Soon though, she's ready. I did finally turn her carseat around this week too. No baby left. sniff.
What an adorable little chick!
Yeah, the big girl bed is next on our list. Crazy. Love the costume -- OF COURSE it had to be a duck!
Congrats on the good grades. I hope you're still enjoying school. I miss our chats. Hopefully we'll find a few minutes to catch up sometime soon.
Love to you both,
Susan and Petunia
What a perfect costume! It's always more fun to dress them up when they love the character, too.
Congrats on your grads. I've thought of you.
First off, the grades, wow woman! How awesome are you!?!
Gracie the Duck is too cute. I'm glad she had a great Halloween!
Cutest duck I've ever seen!!!
Way to go on the grades!!!
I love your little duck! So cute.
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