This happened yesterday around lunch. It looks much, much better today. Grace took a nose dive down our front steps and landed face first on the brick. I was holding her hand at the top and she pulled away and went tumbling down. All I could do was watch and that felt like the longest moment. She landed on her face and I was terrified to turn her over. I felt certain that she had some terrible injuries. I couldn't believe that she only had a very, very nasty scrape. She did look pretty rough in just a few minutes. Her lip swelled about 4 times it's normal size. It was so awkward for her to talk. Fortunately everything is fine except for a very nasty scrape that I am sure hurts a lot. I am giving her tylenol when she complains and I am keeping it moist with ointment. I am so thankful that she only has a bad scrape. It could have been so much worse. And banged up face and all, isn't that the sweetest smile?
Oh my goodness poor sweet girl. What a tuffie though.
Ouch, ouch, ouch! Poor little Gracie. I'm glad the damage wasn't worse, that's for sure. Hope her skin heals quickly. Lots of love to both of you.
oh! Poor Grace! It always looks so much worse on the face. I will pray it heals fast. Miss Paisley is sitting here with me and said, "wat happen?" "fell?" "ummmm"
I am so glad that she is not hurt worse. Those kind of falls are so scary. She is still too cute for words, scrape and all!
OMG - that would have for sure sent me to the hospital (without my injured kid!!!). SO glad it was all just a scrape! Wow, kids are so resilient (unlike ME! LOL)
oh ouch..poor Grace..hope her lip heals quickly and that it doesn't leave a scare on that pretty little face. Doesn't your heart just stop when there is nothing you can do from stopping an accident like this from happening. Yikes...I feel for you mommy!!
Glad it wasn't worse..poor baby (and poor Mama) I know, I would have been afraid to turn her over and see missing teeth.... glad that wasn't the case.
Poor girl! I am glad her teeth are intact!
OUCH! I'm so glad it wasn't worse...how scary!!
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