I can't believe it has been so long since my last post. I guess I have been busy calling/emailing friends and also staring at her photos. I still can't believe how lovely she is. I want to kiss her cheeks over and over again.
I have the glider in her room now. I was dying to try it out, so I picked up Ellie (the dog) and attempted to rock her. She wasn't up for that and immediately jumped down. My father keeps ordering me NOT to put Ellie in the baby bed! I would never do that but Daddy seems terribly afraid after the rocking incident.
There was one little piece missing from the baby bed. It was a tiny piece. I am waiting for the shipment from the company. Her room is adorable. I can't wait to finish the bed so I can post pictures.
A big thanks to my friend
Kelly (and thanks for the link idea) for her lovely words. It's funny, I have never met Kelly but she is a very dear friend. She was one of the first people I met after deciding to adopt. Our girls are now roommates and we will be traveling together, hopefully very, very soon!
Adoption is like that. During this process I have made so many friends online. Thank you all for your kind words. I treasure them all. I will keep them along with my blog on cd. What an addition to a baby book. It will be so wonderful for her to read it all someday.
Please know that I pray for all of you waiting for referrals, waiting to travel and just waiting in general. I pray that those of you who have returned will have an easy transition with your new family. Gracie is proof - prayer works!