Now this habit doesn't just happen with me, so I have no delusions that it is a "Mommy" thing. She merely wants to be held. Several people have helped facilitate her desire to be held while sleeping, but I must break this habit. I began this process on Monday and I am pleased to report that we are doing well. In hope that she would remain asleep when I put her down, I previously rocked her until she had been asleep until about 20 minutes. We now have a new routine. After her bath I rock Grace until she is almost asleep. I make sure she that her last memory is of her crib. That way she will realize that is where she should sleep.
The first night she yelled for about 20 minutes. She doesn't cry, she yells. This has been steadily decreasing and last night she only yelled for about 5 minutes. As a nice bonus this new bedtime habit has also positively impacted morning. She used to begin calling out "milk" as soon as she woke up. Now she will occupy herself for about 20 minutes! I will hear her talking, singing and jumping. WOW. She has had this same problem at naptime. This week we have been out and about alot. However we will be working on naptime as soon as possible.
I got these tips from a great book that my social worker recommended during my home study. The book, Your Child's Health, has information on rashes, fevers, immunizations, behavior. You name it. It has been so helpful to me as a first time mother. Here are some new pictures of Gracie.
Sneaky Grace

Sweet Grace

Her new thing is to go to the pantry and help herself to raisins. Problem is she gets them everywhere. The first time I stepped on one and saw it on the bottom of my shoe I thought Ellie had an accident in the floor.

I will have to check that book out- thanks for the recommendation. Love the picture of sneaky Grace!
She could do a raisin commercial.
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