Does it make me a bad mother that I ran for the camera before I rescued my daughter? In my defense, I could tell that she wasn't hurt. My daughter is a climber. I used to never worry about putting her in her room with the gate up, that is no longer the case. She is very good about using various items around her room as steps. The other day I caught her trying to pull herself onto the chest of drawers. She had pushed the glider into position so she could climb from the seat to the arm to the back and onto the chest. What makes it worse is that she is strong. It amazes me the things she can move. Does anyone have any advice?
Onto the day's fun. We got out the little pool. She looks so cute in her duck swimsuit. She loves anyting with a duck.

Grace adores her Pappy and he can always make her laugh.

Also he gives her ice cream.