Sunday, May 18, 2008

From the Mouth of Gracie

Grace always has something to say these days. You have to really be careful, because she repeats EVERTHING. Then it is permanently in her vocabulary. Some of the things that she constantly repeats and have really cracked me up recently:

Biiiiiiiiite - this is Grace's really, really southern word. She makes the word bite last forever.

Amen - we say the little kiddie prayer before meals. One day when we finished she emphatically said amen.

Ugly - her Aunt Terri came by the other day and when she came in she asked how's Grace toay. I immediately answered she's been ugly. Grace looked at Terri and said ugly.

All right - I was playing Wii and hit a home run. I said all right and that is now here phras.

Stop it - this is her favorite not mine and it does not crack me up.

Typical Gracie faking the head injury. She doesn't get enought attention.


Kelli said...

What a fun age! Looks like Gracie can be quite a drama queen!

dwayne and melanie said...

Love the fake injury! How is my Gracie. I miss her and her momma, and nanny too!

Anonymous said...

Those are all hilarious! How is it possible that she says all of that stuff already?!?! LOVE the fake injury! heehee

Susan said...

That first picture makes her look like a true southern girl who's just gotten a case of the vapors. Love it! And I love you guys!