Sunday, August 03, 2008

Hot, Hot, Hot

It has been in the high 90s here with 90-100% humidity. I was in Vietnam in December/January so temps were mild. However I can't imagine it is much hotter in Vietnam than it is here. I have no new pictures. When I walk outside my camera lens fogs up. When the sun hits your skin it feels kind of like it does when you first realize you are getting a sunburn. Saturday I was out with my sister and she said it was hotter than the hinges on the gates of hell.

Grace really misses playing outdoors. She has all this energy she needs to run off and she gets upset that Ellie gets to go out and she doesn't. Grace will do her best to escape when I let Ellie out. She will stand at the door and cry "OUTSIDE!!!!" Ellie takes care of her business and runs back to the door to come inside. She isn't a very outdoorsy dog.

The proofs from Grace's two year pictureswere FINALLY posted. My child doesn't smile for posed pictures. I tried all the little stuff that makes her laugh and she just looked at me like I was crazy. It occurred to me later I should have let her hold my car keys. If she gets her hands on a set of keys she will push the panic button over and over again. she thinks it is hilarious that she controls the car horn. We got one, little smile. And it is not one of the better shots. Even though there is no smile she looks so sweet and very grown up. I put her in one of the hand embroidered, smocked dresses I bought (for $5) in Vietnam and she looks so pretty. Yellow is a good color for her. The only smile came from a photo taken while chasing the photographer's dog.


Mia's Mommy said...

The half-Elvis smile has me rolling! She acts like she has no idea how to grin, that's just too funny after seeing her big smiles on so many pictures. I love the close up in the yellow dress and the last one. There's one too where she's kind of looking down that is beautiful. I wish I could get Mia's hair to lay flat on the top when I pull it back.

It does stink when they can't go outside. They're like little outraged caged wildcats when they have to stay in. It's supposed to be hotter this week than last and I believe your part of the state is even hotter than mine! yuck

Anonymous said...

I think you got some great pictures there. It's hard to believe she's 2 - ugh, it goes SO SO fast.

Mab said...

Gracie is just sooooo pretty!!!

KrisJ said...

Gorgeous girl! I love the yellow dress! I LOVE the black and white of her standing at the swing with her back showing soo sweet!