Saying hello and getting reacquainted.

Looking at books with Petunia's Aunt Lulu. The girls are both standing flat on the floor.

Here Petunia is standing on the stool she uses while playing in her kitchen. Grace is standing on the floor. Grace loved that kitchen.

Grace really loved Petunia's Nana. I am not sure how Petunia felt about that.

The big news is that I start school tomorrow!! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?!? I have wanted to do this for years and on Thursday I decided to go back to school. Friday I registered. It has all happened very, very fast. A degree in Early Childhood Education will take about 50 hours for me to complete. I am so excited and nervous. I graduated from college in 1991. Things are very, very different now. Fortunately my niece Kristan (Grace's beloved former nanny) and I are going to the same university. She can help me get up to speed with how things work these days.
Up to this point my career has been in Resource Development, almost exclusively for nonprofits dealing with the education of young children and at risk children. I hope to finish up my degree in summer 2009. Please keep me in your prayers. As a grantwriter I am very aware of the educational needs of children and the obstacles they face. That is why I want to teach.
Congrats on starting school. I bet it will be fun. I am jealous of your get toghether, but do have some news. We are going to be in Nashville the first weekend in October. Could that work for yoU?????
What a great visit!! Next time you are in town I have to crash the party : )
Congrats on starting exciting!
Looks like a fun time for the girls.
Congrats on going back to school! I've been wanting to go back for so long, but haven't really looked into it much. Are you doing online classes or actually going to the physical school?
Congrats on being a student again! I'm seriously jealous!!! Good for you! I'm proud of you!!!!
I *definitely* relate to having a big tall lanky girl. I am constantly stunned when we get together with other adoptees at how HUGE addison is in comparison. I think a few months makes a huge difference and if one child is on the taller side anyway and the other is on the petite side then the differences are shocking! LOL
Looks like Petunia and Gracie had fun together. Congrats on going back to school! I teach early childhood every summer and love it!
I am so jealous that I wasn't at Sue and Petunia's too when yall visited. I would have loved to have met you and Miss Gracie. I love the pictures of the girls. I'll bet Miss Petunia was none too sure about Gracie sitting in Miss Amy's lap! :) Glad yall had a terrific visit. And congrats on going back to school. Best of luck! I'm happy for you.
Congrats on going back to school! I'm in the field of early childhood special education and it's been nothing but rewarding.
Yay on going back to school! I know you've been toying with that for a while, so I'm glad to hear you're taking the plunge. What a great major to pursue. Good luck!
We're so happy y'all came for a visit. Thanks for Petunia's little baby stroller - she plays with it every day -- and for lunch. Sorry Petunia was such a poopy-head that day. Believe it or not, she turned into an angel about 30 minutes after you left. What's that about?! Anyway, it was wonderful to see all of you again, and I love the pictures of the girls playing together. Maybe we'll be able to head your direction this fall for another visit.
I told you this last week, but just to reiterate, I am so proud of you!!!
And, I'm so jealous! I can't believe I live less than two hours from you and I still have yet to meet up with you and Susan. We've got to make it happen!
I am so happy for you. I miss you and Gracie.
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