While on one of her infamous indoor climbs Grace bloodied her nose. You can't really see it (even though she was trying hard to show it off) but she has a cut on her right nostril and a puffy lip. Do you think it stopped her from climbing? NO. But bless her heart after a bloody nose she still smiled.

We have also been working hard potty training. Grace has had several successes but she made me so proud yesterday. I was running her bathwater and she walked over and picked up her little seat that fits on the toilet. She laid it on the toilet so I asked her if she needed to potty. She lifted her arms up and when I sat her on the potty she immediately started peeing! Isn't it funny how the little things mean so much.
That last picture is absolutely adorable. I love that smile!
Yay for potty training success! The weather has been fabulous these past few days. It's been awesome. I love that last picture. Cutie
Congrats on the potty front! I bought Parker one of those seats that sits on the toilet - he loves to sit on it - but, hasn't actually "used" it yet. Everyone has been telling me to get a separate little kids toilet for him, so I'm glad to hear someone having success with the insert type of seat.
She is such a cutie!! OUCH on the lip youd think it would stop them but it doesnt YIKES! Good luck with the potty training sounds like she is motivated!
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