My nephew Brody is getting so big. He started out as just a little thing, less than 7 lbs. Now he is 2 1/2 months old and weighs in at 11 lbs. Before he was born I was worried about how Grace would react to her new cousin. She had been THE one and now she would have to share with another little one. I continue to be amazed at her response to Brody. She is so interested in him and not at all jealous. She likes paying attention to him. She will point out his eyes, ears, hair, etc. and name each part like she is teaching him. It is so precious. She sings Rockabye Baby and is just very gentle. The gentleness was a definite surprise, thankfully she treats him much better than she does her dolls. For now at least.

I told Grace she needed to show Brody how to go to sleep. Lately she has been doing this fake snore when she is feigning sleep, so she did a great job at demonstrating for Brody.

How sweet is this?

VERY sweet! So glad that Gracie didn't have the jealousy monster on her back. I know what you mean about being worried, though. I didn't know what to expect when Petunia met her little cousin for the first time. As much as Petunia plays with "babies", I should have known she would just claim her cousin as another baby of hers.
I love that we have sweet girls... when they want to be.
Gracie looks so sweet with her cousin!
Cute cute cousins!
So sweet!
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