After all the frigid temps it was nice to get a couple of pretty days last week. We made it outside and it amazed me how much Grace has changed since summer. Not just in size (now at 28 lbs and 35 1/2 inches) but in maturity. Before she looked for you to entertain her outside. Push my swing, come here, etc. Now she explores and does her own thing.
Look at my little daredevil. I shouldn't be surprised she ran straight to the ladder and climbed to the upper level.

She could make it up to where the bump in the slide and that was it, but she kept trying.

She was fascinated by the grass growing through the spaces between boards.

This is the beloved Nanook.

Grace is growing up so fast. She has always loved music and is on a Justin Timberlake kick again. She likes to dance with his dvd. She spots him on magazines, advertisements, you name it. I really need to find a G rated dvd so I can quit having to fast forward the dvr. I think this little quirk comes from her love of music. She is always singing, playing a toy instrument or listening to music.

This is a bad picture but she was so into her dance.

1 comment:
So cute dancing to JT! The girls are so big and mature. It makes me sad sometimes!
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