Every spring businesses in my town sponsor a mini-carnival with free rides for all the kids. My sister and I made plans to take Grace after her nap on Friday. I was a little skeptical about taking her after the morning's excitement. Our track record for the day wasn't too good. I wanted to avoid a carnival mishap. However we went as planned and had a pretty good time. The carnival is mainly for school age kids, so she could only ride the carousel and the swings. She looks so sad in the photos. She most enjoyed the $20 in cheap blow up crap she won at the duck pond. You can't have too many plastic trumpets.

On Saturday we went to Reilly's house and had a great time. Reilly is such a sweetie and is just one of those kids you love being around. At one point during the day Grace asked my friend Karen to play some music. Karen asked her what kind of music she liked. She immediately said "rock and roll!" One of the highlights of her day was playing the piano.

Well, she did have a tough morning, didn't she?! Poor little thing. And, judging by one of the pics, it looks like she did a little rocking of her own. Glad you got to have some fun with your friends.
aww poor Grace! That's a bang up day for sure! I am glad the carnival was more fun.
Her hair is getting SO long! Has she ever had it cut? I can't believe how long it is!
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