Thanks Jenn for sharing your blessings. It was a great idea. God has blessed me so much, here are a few of the things I am thankful for:
1. Thank you Lord for loving me, guiding me and for all the blessings you have given me.
2. I am thankful for my family and friends. I am surrounded by the most wonderful family and friends who love and support me no matter what happens. My fabulous sister Terri is going with me to Vietnam.
3. Thank you for all the wonderful friends I have made on this journey to Grace. Most I have never laid eyes on, but I feel like I have known them forever. They are all so caring and supportive. This road would have been so hard without them.
4. I am thankful for my dear Ellie. She walks on all fours, but she has been my baby for almost six years and loves me no matter what.
5. I am so thankful for Gracie's birth mother. I cannot imagine the pain she felt when she left her baby girl. I pray that she finds peace and that her life is comfortable.

6. Thank you Lord for my Grace. I can't believe that I am her mother! I am so thankful that she is so healthy and well taken care of and that her caregiver looks like such a sweet person.