Saturday, March 31, 2007
Sunday, March 25, 2007
I've Been Tagged - Part Two
6. Sometimes I sleep with my palm to my forehead - like I am dumbfounded. Strange I know. In Vietnam my sister told me that she thought her husband was the only person in the world who did that. Then Grace did it. It was great. Like mother, like daughter.
7. I drive better backwards than forwards. Enough said.
8. I am 5'2" and I wear a tall swimsuit. As you can imagine, my legs are quite short. Thankfully they get me where I need to go.
9. While we are on the height thing- my sister is 5'10" and five years older than me. However since her name is Terri people always ask if we're twins. Go figure.
10. Even as a child I loved high heels. As soon as I could walk well enough to get into my mother's closet, I was constantly coming out in a pair of her shoes. And I promise this next tidbit is true...I walked around in heels so much that I shortened my achilles and began walking on my tiptoes. My doctor had to give my parents exercises that helped me stretch it out.
Now I must take some time to recover from all these painful truths. More later...
Friday, March 23, 2007
I've Been Tagged
My friend Susan tagged me. She wants me to share 10 odd things about myself. Here are the first five, the next five to follow. I know you’ll be waiting with breath that is bated.
1. My OCD is pretty much limited to one thing – travel. It doesn’t matter if it is a short weekend getaway or a long trip to Asia. I become obsessed with checking everything – again and again. I don’t want to forget something that I might need! I drove my sister crazy in Vietnam. I was constantly checking our passports, airline tickets, money and things in general. But I was validated when I almost left my money is the safe at our hotel in Hanoi! I was checking out when I remembered it so I was able to rush back up to the room.
2. Much to the chagrin of my entire family I cannot tolerate tomatoes. They grow their own, they love them that much. I won’t touch them and you can forget about if they are mistakenly put on or near my food. The said food has been corrupted by the juice and the seeds. Oddly enough I will eat tomato sauce. Italian food is my favorite. There is one condition-no chunks can be visible. I think it is a texture thing. They remind me of flesh.
3. Like Susan I HATE going to the grocery store. But my problem is unloading the groceries from the car. Please see the next item for further details. (Don't worry-baby food can be carried in one load.)
4. I have never been married. I always wanted to be married and have kids. Now that Grace and I are a family marriage doesn’t seem so important. It would be great for her to have a dad. But as far as I am concerned – it’s just not that important to me anymore. I am almost 39 and have been taking care of myself for a while now. Priorities change as you get older. Some of the benefits of marriage are someone make sure my car is maintained, someone to drop me off at the door when it is raining, someone to UNLOAD THE GROCERIES, etc. My married friends tell me it just doesn’t work that way. Don’t get me wrong-I would be thrilled to meet Mr. Right. If you know where he is please let me know. Its Mr. Right Now I don’t need.
5. I am bad at continuing past work relationships once I have left a job. It’s not that I don’t value them. I will think – I need to call her. But it is either late at night or I get distracted. More about my distractions in the next five odd things.
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
The Life of a Busy Girl
She said her first "word" last week. It was DaDa. As she has no DaDa I am chalking that up to a cool sound that she likes to make. My sister told me that she was requesting a father and I need to get to work finding her one.
On Friday, she rode to Gatlinburg with her grandparents (because of work I couldn't come until later in he evening). Each year my family rents a chalet in Gatlinburg and we all go up for the weekend. There are usually about fifteen or so that go. We don't get alot of sleep but have a great time together.
On Saturday Grace turned 8 months old! She also got her first tooth on Saturday!! Saturday in Gatlinburg is the traditional ladies shopping day. This time everyone bought for Gracie, what a surprise. She has a ton of new things for summer and even a few things for next fall!
We all had a great time and were so tired when we got home. However tiring it is, it is always great to make memories with your family.
Monday, March 12, 2007
Sorry for the Absence