Grace is a very healthy girl - 21.5 lbs and 32 inches tall. I can't believe how tall she is getting, everyone comments on it. She seems so much heavier to me than 21.5 lbs. However I guess I shouldn't be surprised as she is still wearing 6-12 months clothes. Now that fall/winter is coming up soon it should be interesting trying to find things that are long enough and don't fall off of her.
She is a good eater. Here favorites are fruit and meat. The only thing she won't eat is jello. How weird is that?
Recently Kelly was blogging about Halloween costumes and I commented that Grace would be something that would wear a tutu. I bought one for her one year pictures. Here she is in all her cuteness.
Check out her feet. She is in first postition, ready to plie`
A little bit of attitude from the girl of a million expressions.
Aren't the pigtails great?
In Nanny's kitchen, a dress rehearsal for picture day.
Super cute!! We have the opposite problem as Annslee is short and do I say this...anyway, I say dresses and tights all winter...
Now that is one awesome tutu! Seriously, I love how it is so full. She is of course beautiful in her pictures. You give some extra loving on her from me and Lucy. Also, could you ask Grace to tell Lucy that meat is okay? My self made vegetarian is becoming a bit difficult to feed. I am always worried about her protein intake being way too low. The doctor didn't seem near as concerned as me!
Oh, that is TUTU cute!! Love the pictures of your tutu-wearing, piggie-sporting Gracie Girl. Many hugs to both of you from Petunia and me.
Oh My GOD!!!!!!! She's soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute!!!!!!!!!!
I just can't get enough of her little face! Awwww!!!
That tutu is perfection!!!!! Those pictures are gorgeous. Your girl has bypassed mine! I can't believe it!!! How did that happen?! Our kids are getting so big, it is crazy.
We too are doing something with a tutu, I just don't know what. I bought one costume on ebay but am not in love with it. I have another costume in mind but can't find the parts to make it as cute as necessary. haha. I just haven't found "it" yet! So what will you match with the tutu?!?!
gracie is as cute as ever. lovin the tutu!
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