I have to tell you Aunt Rachel is the most amazing person you could ever imagine. She and her husband moved from TN to Chicago during the Great Depression to find work. Her husband died when she was in her 50s. After that she decided to get her GED. Then she graduated from college. After college she began traveling. Most of her trips were with Elderhostel.
She has stayed on a sheep farm in New Zealand, she was in Poland when Communism fell, she has worked at an excavation site in Mexico. You name it she has done it, she has been everywhere. Except for Vietnam. That is the one place she always wanted to visit and never got to. She was so excited to meet my little angel from Vietnam. There is another reason she was excited. Grace is named after my lovely grandmother who I adored. Gracie and Aunt Rachel were sisters with a very close bond. Here is Gracie from Vietnam meeting her great, great Aunt Rachel. Grace really liked those pretty pearls.

Is she doing yoga?? Cobra pose?? In a dress??
Exercise is done and it's time to get up and socialize some more.
Grace found a great new friend in her cousin Dan. Dan is Aunt Rachel's son and he is the kind of guy that kids always love. Grace was no exception. Dan made her laugh and smile. He also gave her juice. Juice means alot to her.

Grace and her Pappy. He is always there to encourage a funny face.

Happy birthday, Aunt Rachel. I'm so glad y'all got to go up for a visit. She truly sounds like a remarkable woman. I'm sure your aunt was simply delighted to see little Gracie.
Sherri, Gracie gets more beautiful everyday! Love the fairy costume! Melissa M.
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