Lots has been going on since I last wrote. Christmas is my favorite time of year. It is also my busiest time at work. Non-profits are always thankful for the charitable feeling people have around the holidays.
We had a fantastic Thanksgiving. My family is very close and we get together often. It is always loud and lots of fun. We drove to Arkansas on the Saturday after Thanksgiving to visit my Uncle Bob. My mother's brother and sister from Memphis were also there. Uncle Bob has prostate cancer and is having surgery in December. We really enjoyed our visit. Please remember Uncle Bob in your prayers.
The trip there wasn't so great though. Grace is a champion traveler. She has been on countless flights and long road trips. The drive to Mountain Home, through the Missouri bootheel and north Arkansas, was terrible. The roads are curvy, hilly and mostly two lanes. Poor little Grace got carsick. She threw up four times (once in my face). She was so pitiful and it was so hard to leave her in the carseat. She was fine once we arrived. I got baby Dramamine for the trip home and she did fine.
I am thankful for so many things...my family, my health, my friends. All the things most people treasure. I am also thankful for many small things. I am thankful that:
Grace can help me dress her. It has made life much nicer.
Grace is such a good eater. I can usually find her something to eat wherever we go.
Grace loves books. She is constantly bringing me a book to read and likes to sit by the bookshelf and look through her books.
Grace will be spending her first Christmas at home!! Vietnam was great, but I got really sick of Sandy Beach Danang and that Christmas tree on the second floor.
Awwww, poor little Gracie. Speaking as someone who has serious problems with motion sickness, I really can sympathize with her. It's no fun at all. I know it wasn't much fun for Mom either. Glad you had a good Thanksgiving. Gosh, I wish we could see each other soon. It's been WAY too long since the last visit. I think it was July, wasn't it? Yikes! Prayers will be going up for Uncle Bob. I hope his surgery goes well.
So sorry about the car ride. YIKES! I know how miserable puke in the car is.
I will be praying for Uncle Bob. I did not know you have family in AR.
Isn't Christmas with the girls going to be the best?! Remember that New Years dinner we went to at the Sandy Beach? Justin and Terri were so smart for going to be bed on New Year's Eve at 7 pm.
Lucy sends big kisses to Grace.
Yuck on the car ride but what a cutie!!! Glad you had a good Thanksgiving : )
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