Thursday, August 10, 2006

Construction Begins

The builders will really get going tomorrow. It's been slow going so far (foundation stuff). Now they are beginning to frame everything up. I can't wait for the addition to be done because my house is a wreck.

I have a ton of things that are lingering around ready to fill the new space. Especially baby stuff. It's everywhere. I have the changing table tucked a corner of my bedroom. Piled on top of it is everything from clothes to bedding.

The really hard part is that I can do nothing until the addition is finished. I am moving into the new master suite and the baby will be in my room. I am ready to paint, put up the baby bed and make it look all sweet and soothing. Everything in my life requires what I don't have - patience.

Work has been busy this week and that has helped keep me focused. Next week things will slow down and I will once again have trouble concentrating. Nothing but baby on the brain.

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