I know this looks strange but this is something Gracie CONSTANTLY does. If you are sitting she will straddle your ankle expecting you to take her for a ride on the "horse." In this photo I was sitting on the couch and she just came up and sat on my foot.

This is Grace with her beloved Leapfrog table. Her new thing is to turn it upside down and just sit on it and rock.

Grace's favorite toy is her Winnie the Pooh car. Here it is standing on end after a crash.
At least she found an inventive use for the piece that fell off.
Her most recent injury.
Funny girl!! Buy her a pony already...or just keep giving her rides LOL
She is so cute and so creative.
my goodness she is so gorgeous you need to send her picture to babygap and win!!
Okay, I am cracking up thinking about "the crash." I just picture Gracie racing around the room on her little car and missing a turn! Too funny. She's so beautiful -- even with the recent injury.
G. is so cute as always. Looks like she drove a little too fast :) :)
Thank you for the pics.
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