Sunday, October 28, 2007

Gracie the Animal Lover

My daughter loves animals. She always has. They always make her smile and giggle. The other day we were sitting outside and my parents' two cats got into a fight. She thought it was hilarious! I had to hold her back, she wanted to run over to them.

She loves Ellie, our yorkie. She has always loved to watch Ellie run around, she'd just laugh. Now the more mature, more mobile Gracie has begun to chase Ellie. Ellie bolts under the couch or some other out of the way place to hide. Here's Ellie making a quick getaway.

I hate it for poor Ellie, but it is so funny. Not only does she run around after Ellie, she squeals with delight while she does it. She also likes Ellie's things.

I am hoping that the Department of Human Services doesn't show up on my doorstep, but I had to post this. It's happened before and I try to keep the crate shut all the time. However sometimes I slip up and leave it open.

This is Grace in Ellie's crate. I looked up and she had crawled inside. All you could see was her striped butt. Fortunately the camera was on the table
and I was able to capture the moment. Before you are too disgusted, please know that I change Ellie's pillow very frequently.

I have had several people comment about how long her hair has gotten. Isn't that crazy. She was such a little bald baby when I brought her home. Below are a few recent bathtup shots. Look how long her hair is when it's wet. Compare that to the bald baby bathing in the sink in Vietnam.


Kelly said...

I think that her hair is even longer than Lucy's. I love the picture of her in the crate. Lucy likes to get in Bruiser and Bianca's big crate as well. They are so funny!

Sarah & Seth said...

Her hair has gotten so much longer that it was in VN. We have been home almost a year and Sienna still has a ways to go to get there! I love that crate pic-hey, at least the door is still open...

Emily said...

too sweet. i love her in the crate:)
i think it is so important to introduce children to animals when they are young. i DO NOT want lulu to be scared of dogs. well, she really will have no choice but to love them. just like her momma!

Susan said...

I'm trying to imagine what Ellie was thinking when she saw Gracie in her crate. "Uh, excuse me?!"

Such cute photos.

Par said...

It's a great experence for kids to be around animals...
Wish I did when I was younger but having a dog now isn't too bad, she's a joy.