The entire time I was aware of what was going on. I knew about the referral, questions about health, and the turn down of the referral. Normally this would not be the case, however because of internet groups I was painfully aware of what was going on with the baby. I had so many questions in my head. Would this little girl be referred? Would they classify her as special needs just because someone thought the photo was weird? Will I ever know what is going to happen to her? I couldn't get that little girl off of my mind. I must have driven my friend Susan nuts. Every night I would talk to her about this baby. She kept telling me "God knows where your baby is, if this is her they will refer her to you." I knew that was my baby. What was the hold up? Finally, after two long weeks, I found out what was in store for that little baby girl.
I had been to my parent's house to have dinner with my mother. Daddy had gone out to eat with his friends - male bonding. When I got home that evening I noticed there was a message on my machine. It was from my agency and it said "I'm going to try your cell. I'm looking at her pictures. I have to talk to you." I live next door to my parents, so I had walked down there with no purse or phone. Who doesn't have their phone AT ALL TIMES when they are so close to their referral. Me, that's who.
I immediately checked my email. Sure enough Grace's pictures were in my in box. I couldn't open them, the moment was too big. I needed someone else to witness it with me. I called my mother. She came flying out of her house and was at my door in no time. My mother and I opened up the pictures and saw nothing awkward about the beautiful in these pictures. We saw a beautiful baby girl who had a little bow of a mouth and big, pink cheeks. So kissable! Within 30 minutes my house was full of family. We couldn't take our eyes off of baby Grace.
Here are the pictures I first saw of her.
I was right. That was my baby. That baby is Olivia Grace Thao and I love her more each day. I am so thankful that God has blessed me with a daughter who is funny, stubborn, loving, nosy, and all the things that she is. I am thankful for her birth mother who wanted this little baby to have a better life. I am thankful for the woman who turned down the referral. Here is Grace's original referral photo.

This is a picture of Gracie today. Everyone has these great pictures of their baby with the referral picture. It is such a cute idea. Grace would immediately put it in her mouth. I don't know how you all got them to hold the picture and smile sweetly at the camera.

I love you Grace. Happy referral day!
Happy referral day!I'm amazed that someone would turn a referral down because they thought she was laying awkwardly or whatever the case. She is soooooo beautiful, so perfect and looks completely normal in all of those photos!
Infact, they are WONDERFUl referral photos! Our initial 10 photos were all of a sad pouty or crying baby and none of them had a full body shot.
Happy Referral day! Grace is a beautiful little girl!
Oh, I remember those days very well, and you didn't drive me crazy. I remember your voice on the phone when you called to tell me about the referral. That's the closest to "giddy" I've ever heard you, but you had every reason. I'm so very glad we had each other to talk to while waiting for our babies. What a lifesaver you were to me.
Happy referral today, Sherri and Gracie! You two are just perfect for each other. I love you guys!
How odd there isn't anything weird with those baby pics. She is beautiful and was beautiful. Happy referral day.
She has gotten so big in the last year, they grown so fast.
Happy 1 year.
Happy Referral Day! I can't believe someone would turn down little Gracie...oh well, their loss, your blessing!!
HAPPY REFERRAL DAY!! I swear, God had such an amazing plan to get Grace into your family. This was a beautiful post, Sherri. You and Grace are both so blessed to have one another. Our family loves you both so very much. And just for the record, I think that Grace has one of the most adorable referral pictures of all that I have ever seen.
I can remember the pure joy that I felt when you emailed me her pictures. I also remember thinking how crazy that other person was to turn down such a beautiful and perfect baby. To this day, Grace is one of the most laid back and wonderful babies to be around. I love her disposition so very much.
We love you guys so much and hope to see you soon.
Kelly, Justin, and Lucy (Grace's first and original friend/roomie)
Happy Referral Day!! That is a wonderful story. It is hard to believe that anyone would not be able to accept such a beautiful baby into their live, but obviously this is what was truly meant to be. Thanks for sharing your story!
Wow- what a story. Obviously Grace was meant to be with you! Happy referral day!
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