They had already decided to take their two kids and become missionaries. And SURPRISE, Keri was pregnant with twins (and I don't think Paul had told her that twins run in my family). The boys are now five months old and ready to go. Here are Peyton (on the left) and Pierce with big sister Kati and mom.
They are soooooooooooo cute and have very expressive faces just like their cousin Gracie. They are about the same size and weight that Grace was when I was in Vietnam. I can barely remember her being that little. Look at my big girl, passed out from the excitement.
Kati has three brothers and was excited to play with a little girl.
Nanny holding one of the twins.
Do you think Grace is a little jealous? She looks so sad.
We love you Paul and Keri. We'll be praying for you.
Wow that's going to be a great experience for them and the children. Good Luck!
That is awesome...where are they going?? Such cute kiddos and I recognize that jealous/sad face well LOL
Grace is soo cute even when she's jealous!
Best wishes to your family!
God bless your cousin and his family. Their kids are so cute, and Miss Grace looks as adorable as ever! Glad you had a good time last weekend.
That is wonderful to hear about your cousins becoming missionaries. Praying that the transition is smooth for them. Gracie is so cute! I keep showing all my family members her pics on your blog.
That is so awesome! That is my dream, to go become a missionary with my family in a foriegn country. Can you guess which one? haha!!! I can't believe how long Grace is! She is growing up so fast.
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