The other night we had our children's program at church. At the end Santa came in with two elves bearing cookies. My mother has been saying that Grace would probably be afraid of Santa this year. Well that girl was not afraid. She literally was pushing her way past other kids yelling Santa, Santa. Only one little girl managed to get in front of her and she was just talking to him when it was her turn! Santa had to tell her a few times to look at me because she was so intent on him and didn't hear me calling. We need to make a trip to the mall soon to see professional Santa and buy some of those terribly expensive pictures he sells. Here are Grace and baby Brody with Santa.

I took my last final on Friday and am off until Jan 12! I made a 3.42 (4 As, 2 Bs and 1 sad little C)and I am very pleased.
Love the Santa pix! :)
You need to come all the way to Louisiana to take a picture with the "real" Santa though because E and E are absolutely SURE the REAL SANTA is the one they took a photo with here. (because he was TALL, and SO nice and the beard was very real and Mrs. Claus was with him--so it HAD to be him--hey, I believe it was him too). Glad Gracie isn't scared of him!
oh, and I bet that one sad C was a very high C plus!!! you go girl!
Merry Christmas !!! Enjoy the holidays! I know you'll have even more fun with Baby Brody too!
Yah on your grades! It's not easy going to school and being a mommy. You're doing great.
How sweet that Gracie has a new baby in the family for Christmas.
I just love all of Gracie's expressions.
Whooo-hooo-hoooo! Awesome grades. I'm really proud of you!!!
I've been a little (okay a lot) behind on blogs lately. I just read what I've missed. I love the previous post showing old and newer pics of Gracie. She's such a pretty girl, silly faces and all!
This is such a fun age for Christmas. I'm so glad that Grace is all about some Christmas spirit!!
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