Wed. she woke with a snotty nose and cough. She was stilling running temps of about 102,but it was managable. I was impressed to find out that my daughter knows how to blow her nose! I reached down to wipe it and she blew! I called dr. who said that she still thought that the cold symptoms and the fever were unrelated. She said to continue treating the fever and look for the rash. No rash came on Friday, so on Saturday dr. met us at the clinic to check Grace over (it's true a dr. on Saturday, she is a close family friend). She had the beginning of an ear infection in her left ear. Began antibiotics on Sat. and Grace is now fever free.
She is a fantastic dr. and is always right on the mark. I am still looking for a rash. I'll let you know if she gets one. Grace is feeling better that is the important thing. The only problem now is that with the return of her health she is now acting bratty. She has felt so bad that all I have done is hold her and she could't breathe lying down so I would sit on the couch and hold her all night while she slept. Now comes the transition back to the real world. Here is sick Grace looking a little scary. She had butt paste all over her face because it was terribly chapped from the runny nose and the wiping. She had just enjoyed a Pedialyte popsicle.
The video below shows Grace with Nanny, Duck and Bunny. She and Nanny have this ritual with Duck and Bunny. Grace will do one of two things as they play. Sometimes she will sit in Nanny's lap and bounce (see how she turned around and backed up) and other times she will let Nanny hold onto her while she does "the wild jump." Whether sitting or jumping she always does the duck wings with her arms.