Grace loves ducks (see the first photo below, there is one attached to her crib). Or maybe she just loves to say the word, I don't know. You can go to Wal-Mart and she will spot every duck in the place. That's tough this time of year! She wants to play them all, because we know all these type toys have to sing a song or do a dance. She is quite adept at finding and pushing the little buttons in the hand, belly, etc. Sometimes she will turn it on for a couple of seconds and then turn it off. She can keep this up for a long, long time. She loves to jump and dance along with them. That is why my mother and sister continually buy more. And she loves them soooooooooo much that I can't bring myself to turn them off. I just endure. She loves her gorilla that both jumps and sings. Very talented gorilla. Being the giving person she is, she often insists that you enjoy them with her. I am looking forward to next week, when a bunny and a chicken that are particulary annoying will diappear. Hey they're Easter toys right?
Ellie and Grace have so much fun together. I have to get video of them chasing each other. You will crack up!!
Oh, wonder what she'd do if she saw a whole bunch of live baby ducks? Many of the farm stores around here sell chicks, ducks, and bunnies this time of the year. Two years ago my parents bought 4 baby mallard ducks for Wyatt and Ellayna at Easter. They had so much fun raising them throughout the summer. Then they flew away before winter. Perfect pet project!
Too funny! I can somewhat feel your pain. Anything that plays music MUST be played in our house. Often it's several things at once. Can't wait to see the bunny and chicken. I certainly hope they both get along with the talented gorilla! LOL
Love that shirt~of course Annslee has one too : )
Oh, wonder what she'd do if she saw a whole bunch of live baby ducks? Many of the farm stores around here sell chicks, ducks, and bunnies this time of the year. Two years ago my parents bought 4 baby mallard ducks for Wyatt and Ellayna at Easter. They had so much fun raising them throughout the summer. Then they flew away before winter. Perfect pet project!
Too funny! I can somewhat feel your pain. Anything that plays music MUST be played in our house. Often it's several things at once. Can't wait to see the bunny and chicken. I certainly hope they both get along with the talented gorilla! LOL
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