- She has a very extensive vocabulary. Some of her words (especially words with A) often sound the same, so you must pay attention. Lately she has started something new. When she burps, she follows it with a loud announcement - BURP. She did this during church last Sunday.
- She is extremely stubborn. For instance-she can be standing on the furniture and I will ask her to sit down. She will comply only for a second. Then she will stand up slowly, looking you directly in the eye and waiting for a reaction. We do this often, different activities but always the same battle.
- She will eat ANYTHING. I am fortunate.
- I am not exactly sure what she weighs or her height. I am guessing about 23 or 24 pounds. Height who knows, she just keeps getting taller. She can still wear most of her 6-12 mos. clothes from last summer, somethings are too short in the torso or stride. Thank goodness for summer. I don't have to worry about her pants either being too short or falling off of her.
- She has a great sense of humor. She loves to make people laugh. The weirdest things will just crack her up, you never know what it will be. She is always laughing at Ellie.
- She loves music and will begin immediately begin dancing. She loves watching musicals like Annie, etc.
- She HATES going to bed. She will fight to stay awake.
- She is obsessed with phones, remotes and my purse. I went to pick up lunch today and had no money or debit card. They were all in the floor of my bedroom. Thank God I had my Amex.
- She has a mouth full of teeth. She has the new habit of sticking her bottom lip out like she is pouting. She does this all the time. I think she is getting used to all those teeth.
Here are some photos from today. We had so much fun playing outside.

This photo shows the offensive bunny and duck. See previous post for further explanation.

Your last two posts have kept me in stitches! That Gracie-girl is sooo funny!!!! She is just a crack-up! I bet our girls would have a BLAST playing together!
She's a girl after my own heart! Stubborn, stubborn, stubborn!
I really hope we can get Lilly and Gracie together one day!
Oh, I love the ponytail on her. Can TOTALLY relate to the stubbornness, as well as the obsession with phones and remotes. Thankfully my purse has been safe so far.
i can't wait for stubborness. Thank you fro sharing Gracie. Somehow a peek at these other princesses' lives helps me wait for Kaylee.
What a big girl. The stubborn and waiting for a reaction...wow...you are going to have your hands full with a very opinionated beauty. I love the update, and it is hard to believe she's almost two.
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