Grace is eleven months old today. Next month is the big one. I can't believe that my baby is almost a year old. This also marks another milestone. Grace was 5 1/2 months old when we had our G&R. She has now been with me as long as she was in the orphanage.
She has six teeth - two on top and four on bottom. She has two top teeth that are about to break through.
She hates baby food. She eats steamed vegetables, baked sweet potatoes and white potatoes, a variety of fruit and deli meat. She eats deli turkey and chicken because her mother finds baby food meat revolting. Thinly sliced deli meat is the way to go.
She chews. People always laugh at the way she will work her food to the front of her mouth and chew with those six little teeth! I think it is adorable when she eats crackers. She takes petite little bites.
She is still wearing the same size clothes she wore in Vietnam. She just keeps getting longer!
She is extremely social. She loves to be out and about and is happiest when we are out shopping or in a loud restaurant.
She loves the water. In the big pool I will put her in her float and she will kick her legs like crazy. In the baby pool it is splash, splash, spash.
She pulls up on everything. She will walk up and down the couch holding on.
She is such a big girl.
She is such a beautiful big girl!
She sounds so perfect in every way! Can you please ask her to have a chat with Addy about staying in the pool floaty? I'm sooo jealous! She is going to be walking in no-time!!!
Unbelievable! I still remember our many phone calls while we were waiting for our referrals. Wondering what our daughters will look like, how old they are, and how much they weigh. It seems like yesterday. It's almost surreal sometimes to think that both our girls are with us now and they're growing so fast. I can't believe Gracie's almost one. Time passed so slowly while waiting for them, and now it's flying by.
Happy 11 months old, Gracie!!
One more month to go. Can you believe it? I really can't. Our baby girls are about to be one year old. Amazing.
Gracie - would you and Lucy please slow down a bit. You girls are getting too big too quickly.
Happy 11 months pretty girl!!
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