What a trip!! We had the G&R on the December 28th and are hanging out at the hotel until New Year's Day when we will fly to Ho Chi Minh City. We are all getting a little stir crazy. Internet and phones here are horrible due to the earthquake in Taiwan. Doesn't make sense to me but that is what they say!
About Gracie...she is such a good baby! I can't believe how blessed I am because she is so healthy, easy-going and inquisitive. She will sit and look around at the people and the lights. Ceiling fans captivate her and she is not scared of loud noises. It is a new world for her. She is very active. She will stand in your lamp and jump. I always wear out first. Earlier today she wore me out and I handed her to Justin. She wore him out and was still ready to jump. I must have a Jumperoo!
She was worn out last night. All she is used to doing is eat and sleep. When we were at the orphanage the nannies would stick a bottle in their mouth and swing them in their cribs (swing them high) until they fell asleep. When they woke up, they did the same thing all over again.
We went to bed at 7:30 (when I say we I mean ALL three of us) and she slept until 11 pm when she woke up and whined for about two minutes. She woke up for a bottle at 3 am. After giving her a bottle, I was up for the day. That is how it is for Terri and I, in bed at 7 and up at 3 or 4. We are getting plenty of sleep, we are just really messed up on time. After her bottle she slept until 7:30. During the day she takes 15 minute power naps all throughout the day. It feels like she is always taking a nap, but it never lasts for long. Again, she took lots of naps at the orphanage.
Kelly, Justin, Lucy, Gracie, Terri and I went into Hoi An earlier today. We were so glad to be out of the hotel. It was great. So many quality silks and handmade crafts for such small sums. And you can bargain for the price. I am doing quite well at that, Daddy will be proud.
It is 7pm and Grace has had her bath and is sleeping on the bed like an angel. She is so beautiful. I will post pictures whenever I can. We will be leaving for Ho Chi Minh City on Jan 1 and internet will hopefully be better there. Love to all. We are doing good.
Saturday, December 30, 2006
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Hello from Danang
After lots and lots of flights, we are in Danang! We arrived in HCMC and had about three hours to shower (we were so stinky)before we flew to Danang. We are staying at Sandy Beach and it is lovely. There is a large terrace that overlooks the pool and the ocean. It is just a couple of doors down from our room.
After a year of emailing, I finally got to meet my friend Kelly. She is just as sweet as I knew she would be. The orphanage where our girls have been living is very small. Quoc (our guide) told us today that there are less than 10 babies in that orphanage!
There are two other families traveling. One is a single woman adopting a baby girl who is at the Hoi An orphanage and the other is a couple adopting a 5 month old boy from the Que Son orphanage where Gracie and Lucy have been living.
HERE'S THE BIG NEWS - I will be meeting Gracie in about 14 hours! It is 8pm here and we will be leaving for the orphanage after breakfast. This is the moment I have been waiting for. I can't wait to post tomorrow and tell you all about her.
My body is tired, but my heart is full.
After a year of emailing, I finally got to meet my friend Kelly. She is just as sweet as I knew she would be. The orphanage where our girls have been living is very small. Quoc (our guide) told us today that there are less than 10 babies in that orphanage!
There are two other families traveling. One is a single woman adopting a baby girl who is at the Hoi An orphanage and the other is a couple adopting a 5 month old boy from the Que Son orphanage where Gracie and Lucy have been living.
HERE'S THE BIG NEWS - I will be meeting Gracie in about 14 hours! It is 8pm here and we will be leaving for the orphanage after breakfast. This is the moment I have been waiting for. I can't wait to post tomorrow and tell you all about her.
My body is tired, but my heart is full.
Saturday, December 23, 2006
It's Almost Time!!!!
I can't believe that I am leaving for Vietnam tomorrow. I am going crazy trying to get packed. I am taking so much for her, I have to because you all know how I have been shopping for her. And it is doubtful she will be able to wear these clothes in the summer. Also, who knows what size she will wear.
I am worried that I am not taking enough for myself. I need to check with my sister and see if she has any room in her suitcase. But knowing her she hasn't begun to pack, even though we will be leaving home at about 6am tomorrow and we are having our family Christmas today. I still have to wrap!
I cannot believe that I will be holding Grace in my arms on Tuesday (Monday night here). I have waiting for this moment so long!! This may sound weird to many, but I am trying to prepare myself for the possiblity that I may not hear angels singing and feel immense love for her the moment I see her. Many have told me that they had built themselves up before they saw their child and felt that something was wrong when they didn't feel these things instantaneously. I know I will love her, I have been waiting for so long. But I don't want to ruin this by having unreal expectations. I hope this doesn't make me sound like an unfit mother.
Keep us in your prayers. I can't wait for you to see pictures of Grace!!
I am worried that I am not taking enough for myself. I need to check with my sister and see if she has any room in her suitcase. But knowing her she hasn't begun to pack, even though we will be leaving home at about 6am tomorrow and we are having our family Christmas today. I still have to wrap!
I cannot believe that I will be holding Grace in my arms on Tuesday (Monday night here). I have waiting for this moment so long!! This may sound weird to many, but I am trying to prepare myself for the possiblity that I may not hear angels singing and feel immense love for her the moment I see her. Many have told me that they had built themselves up before they saw their child and felt that something was wrong when they didn't feel these things instantaneously. I know I will love her, I have been waiting for so long. But I don't want to ruin this by having unreal expectations. I hope this doesn't make me sound like an unfit mother.
Keep us in your prayers. I can't wait for you to see pictures of Grace!!
Sunday, December 17, 2006
The Countdown - Seven More Days
Grace is five months old today. On her next birthday she will be at home with her Momma, sleeping in her own bed (assuming we stay on schedule). This time next week I will be on an airplane heading to Vietnam and my daughter.
My daughter. Doesn't that sound wonderful? This week a coworker's daughter came by with her baby. I asked the baby's age and she told me that he is five months old. Without thinking I replied "my daughter will be five months old on the 17th." I realized as soon as I said it - I said "my daughter." It felt so good to say!
I am trying to finish packing. I still don't know what I am wearing for the G&R. I also need to pack a pair of pants and a long sleeve shirt. I keep reading that people are getting cool in the evening.
I received the visas. I still haven't gotten an in-country itinerary. I can't wait until I can see where we'll be staying. One week more.
My daughter. Doesn't that sound wonderful? This week a coworker's daughter came by with her baby. I asked the baby's age and she told me that he is five months old. Without thinking I replied "my daughter will be five months old on the 17th." I realized as soon as I said it - I said "my daughter." It felt so good to say!
I am trying to finish packing. I still don't know what I am wearing for the G&R. I also need to pack a pair of pants and a long sleeve shirt. I keep reading that people are getting cool in the evening.
I received the visas. I still haven't gotten an in-country itinerary. I can't wait until I can see where we'll be staying. One week more.
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
I can't wait...
Finally, I have booked my flights. I thought this would never get done. I leave Nashville on Christmas Eve morning! Two weeks from tomorrow is my G&R. Grace and I will officially be a family!!!
My mind is always thinking of things I need to pack or pick up or finish arould the house. I wake up every couple of hours. I think God wants me to get used to sleep deprevation!
This is a bit surreal. It's hard for me to believe that she will soon be sleeping in the bed that has been empty, just waiting for her to come home. I try to imagine what our first days at home will be like. I can't wait to see her smile for the first time. She wasn't smiling in any of her photos and I try to imagine what her smiling face looks like.
I can't wait to hold her in my arms and kiss her sweet, chubby cheeks.
My mind is always thinking of things I need to pack or pick up or finish arould the house. I wake up every couple of hours. I think God wants me to get used to sleep deprevation!
This is a bit surreal. It's hard for me to believe that she will soon be sleeping in the bed that has been empty, just waiting for her to come home. I try to imagine what our first days at home will be like. I can't wait to see her smile for the first time. She wasn't smiling in any of her photos and I try to imagine what her smiling face looks like.
I can't wait to hold her in my arms and kiss her sweet, chubby cheeks.
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Less Than 3 Weeks Left

I got new pictures today. How do you like her little hand? In this photo she is on her belly and supporting herself quite well. She has her little fingers out as if she is saying "just three more weeks Mom."
Friday, December 01, 2006
Leaving on a Jet Plane??

Now I must put my selfish whining aside and attend to more important business. Tonight I am sending up special prayers for three lovely little girls - Lucy Elise Pollard, Lily Ana Hamilton and Olivia Grace Puckett.
Baby Lucy is Grace's roommate, they have been friends for quite a while now. We haven't seen Lily Ana's face yet, but we know that she is somewhere in Vietnam waiting on her mom. Lucy and Lily Ana are very fortunate, they both have exceptional mommies who love them more than they could ever imagine. I am very thankful to call them my friends.
I pray that somehow these girls can feel the love that their mothers have for them, how we carry them in our hearts. Bless the girls and keep them safe. Bring us together soon.
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Where Grace Lives (for another month)
I really wanted to know more about where Grace lives, so I posted on the internet. I was looking for any information about Quang Nam province. A lovely lady answered my post. She and her husband traveled to Vietnam a few years ago to bring home their daughter. She has graciously allowed me to post some of her photos of Hoi An.
Many of the buildings look burned, like they were still in disrepair from the war.

I love this picture because it depicts how old and new mesh in their culture (or at least that is my perception). There are ladies in conical hats and a man transporting ice by bicycle. In sharp contrast there is a woman riding a motorbike. I can't wait to see their culture with my own eyes.
Finally, I leave you with a photo that is very typical of what we know about Vietnam and a huge source of livlihood for many families there...boats in a fishing village. Linda - thanks for letting me share your photos.
Many of the buildings look burned, like they were still in disrepair from the war.

Finally, I leave you with a photo that is very typical of what we know about Vietnam and a huge source of livlihood for many families there...boats in a fishing village. Linda - thanks for letting me share your photos.

Monday, November 20, 2006
I'm Thankful For...
Thanks Jenn for sharing your blessings. It was a great idea. God has blessed me so much, here are a few of the things I am thankful for:
1. Thank you Lord for loving me, guiding me and for all the blessings you have given me.
2. I am thankful for my family and friends. I am surrounded by the most wonderful family and friends who love and support me no matter what happens. My fabulous sister Terri is going with me to Vietnam.
3. Thank you for all the wonderful friends I have made on this journey to Grace. Most I have never laid eyes on, but I feel like I have known them forever. They are all so caring and supportive. This road would have been so hard without them.
4. I am thankful for my dear Ellie. She walks on all fours, but she has been my baby for almost six years and loves me no matter what.
5. I am so thankful for Gracie's birth mother. I cannot imagine the pain she felt when she left her baby girl. I pray that she finds peace and that her life is comfortable.
6. Thank you Lord for my Grace. I can't believe that I am her mother! I am so thankful that she is so healthy and well taken care of and that her caregiver looks like such a sweet person.
1. Thank you Lord for loving me, guiding me and for all the blessings you have given me.
2. I am thankful for my family and friends. I am surrounded by the most wonderful family and friends who love and support me no matter what happens. My fabulous sister Terri is going with me to Vietnam.
3. Thank you for all the wonderful friends I have made on this journey to Grace. Most I have never laid eyes on, but I feel like I have known them forever. They are all so caring and supportive. This road would have been so hard without them.
4. I am thankful for my dear Ellie. She walks on all fours, but she has been my baby for almost six years and loves me no matter what.
5. I am so thankful for Gracie's birth mother. I cannot imagine the pain she felt when she left her baby girl. I pray that she finds peace and that her life is comfortable.

6. Thank you Lord for my Grace. I can't believe that I am her mother! I am so thankful that she is so healthy and well taken care of and that her caregiver looks like such a sweet person.
Friday, November 17, 2006
Happy Birthday Gracie!!

Today Gracie is four months old. I got new photos today. What a great way to start the weekend! She has the longest toes I have ever seen. She also has little dimples in her hand because she is so healthy. I can't wait to kiss those chubby cheeks.

Last month there was a photo of her laying on her belly. She really looks like she is concentrating hard to keep her head up. Not this time! She looks like she is ready to break into a crawl! My girl is strong and healthy. I am so thankful for the ladies who care for her. The same lady has been holding her in a couple of the pictures. This must be her nanny and she has the nicest, sweetest smile. My baby is healthy, well fed, and being taken care of by nice people.
Gracie - on your next birthday momma will be on her way! Not much longer.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Christmas in Vietnam!!!!!!
Last Christmas I never dreamed I would be spending this Christmas holding Gracie!!! My agency told me that I would be spending Christmas and New Year's in Vietnam! I still can't believe it, less than 40 days (thanks for the counter Kelly) and I will be holding her.
I am so glad to be traveling with Kelly and Justin. Lucy and Gracie have been roommates all their lives and they will spend their first Christmas together. I can't begin to explain to you the emotions I am feeling.
Less than 40 days!!!!! Thank you Lord. I am richly blessed.
I am so glad to be traveling with Kelly and Justin. Lucy and Gracie have been roommates all their lives and they will spend their first Christmas together. I can't begin to explain to you the emotions I am feeling.
Less than 40 days!!!!! Thank you Lord. I am richly blessed.
Thursday, November 09, 2006
It's Football Time in Tennessee

LaLa this is for you - check out Gracie's uniform!
University of Tennessee football is a big deal here in Tennessee. I have been going to games all of my life. You keep up with the schedules of ALL the SEC teams. You have to because each game matters.
We are playing #11 Arkansas (Kelly, I love ya but this is football) this weekend and we already have two losses and both were to SEC teams. We've got to bring it this Saturday. If we lose we have no chance of getting a decent bowl game.
It's to bad that UT's newest cheerleader won't be home until the season is done. She would be lovely in her uniform. It is waiting in her closet for her.
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Manicure Anyone?

First on my packing list is baby nail clippers. I am surprised that she didn't have scratches all over her little face in the photos. I am so glad that my sister (experienced mother of three) is going with me to Vietnam. I think trimming her nails will intimidate me just a bit.
My nail trimming experience is with my dog Ellie. She is very uncooperative. She squirms all over the place. That is where my nail fear comes from!
Yes, she has very long nails. But check out those beautiful little fingers. I just can't wait to kiss them.
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Gracie's Room
My first try at the video didn't work. I think I have the hang of it now. Here's my baby's room.
Friday, October 20, 2006
Baby, Baby, Baby
A very good (and pregnant) friend of mine is visiting from Dallas and four of us got together last night to catch up. I was great to see her and witness her happiness. She and her husband have a great story.
After a long battle with IVF they decided to pursue domestic adoption. They had one terrible adoption experience, but then six weeks later they were blessed with a beautiful and perfect daughter. When she was almost a year old, my friend found out that she was pregnant!! In a couple of months they will be adding a son to the family.
There was also a baby there last night. Another friend has a four month old little girl! She and Gracie will grow up together!!
While we gazed at pictures of Gracie, we had in our presence a beautiful baby and a precious toddler. It just doesn't get any better than that!!
After a long battle with IVF they decided to pursue domestic adoption. They had one terrible adoption experience, but then six weeks later they were blessed with a beautiful and perfect daughter. When she was almost a year old, my friend found out that she was pregnant!! In a couple of months they will be adding a son to the family.
There was also a baby there last night. Another friend has a four month old little girl! She and Gracie will grow up together!!
While we gazed at pictures of Gracie, we had in our presence a beautiful baby and a precious toddler. It just doesn't get any better than that!!
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Look at Those Rosy Cheeks

I can't believe it has been so long since my last post. I guess I have been busy calling/emailing friends and also staring at her photos. I still can't believe how lovely she is. I want to kiss her cheeks over and over again.
I have the glider in her room now. I was dying to try it out, so I picked up Ellie (the dog) and attempted to rock her. She wasn't up for that and immediately jumped down. My father keeps ordering me NOT to put Ellie in the baby bed! I would never do that but Daddy seems terribly afraid after the rocking incident.
There was one little piece missing from the baby bed. It was a tiny piece. I am waiting for the shipment from the company. Her room is adorable. I can't wait to finish the bed so I can post pictures.
A big thanks to my friend Kelly (and thanks for the link idea) for her lovely words. It's funny, I have never met Kelly but she is a very dear friend. She was one of the first people I met after deciding to adopt. Our girls are now roommates and we will be traveling together, hopefully very, very soon!
Adoption is like that. During this process I have made so many friends online. Thank you all for your kind words. I treasure them all. I will keep them along with my blog on cd. What an addition to a baby book. It will be so wonderful for her to read it all someday.
Please know that I pray for all of you waiting for referrals, waiting to travel and just waiting in general. I pray that those of you who have returned will have an easy transition with your new family. Gracie is proof - prayer works!
Thursday, October 12, 2006
At Last: Gracie's Referral!

Interesting fact - she was born on the day I received my I-171H! This is what true joy feels like. I am praying for all of you waiting for referrals. Seeing your child is truly worth the wait!!
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Finally - Construction Complete!
Well, almost. The painters are painting Gracie's room as I type and the plumber is coming this evening to finish hooking things up in the bathroom.
Last night I moved all my furniture into the new master bedroom. I still have to move the closet (large task) and then various bathroom things.
My goal for the weekend - set up Gracie's room. I have been waiting for this day ever since I impulsively purchased all of her furniture. It's been stored at Mother and Daddy's. Hopefully I will be posting pictures of the room very soon!
Then I hope to post pictures of the little girl who will sleep in that room (I am praying very hard). I am thinking positive.
Last night I moved all my furniture into the new master bedroom. I still have to move the closet (large task) and then various bathroom things.
My goal for the weekend - set up Gracie's room. I have been waiting for this day ever since I impulsively purchased all of her furniture. It's been stored at Mother and Daddy's. Hopefully I will be posting pictures of the room very soon!
Then I hope to post pictures of the little girl who will sleep in that room (I am praying very hard). I am thinking positive.
Sunday, October 01, 2006
A Few Things I Want Gracie to Know
1. Who Jesus Christ is and how much he loves her.
2. Her best is always good enough. I don't want her to avoid new things for fear of failure, but I want her to try her best in everything she does.
3. I discipline her because I love her (well maybe someday she'll understand that one).
4. It is our responsibility to help others who aren't as fortunate as our family. I want to always continue helping her orphanage and she can learn about helping other children.
5. We should always treat others as we'd like to be treated.
2. Her best is always good enough. I don't want her to avoid new things for fear of failure, but I want her to try her best in everything she does.
3. I discipline her because I love her (well maybe someday she'll understand that one).
4. It is our responsibility to help others who aren't as fortunate as our family. I want to always continue helping her orphanage and she can learn about helping other children.
5. We should always treat others as we'd like to be treated.
Friday, September 29, 2006
The Construction is Almost Finished
Today they are building shelves in my closets, my fabulously large closets. They are also finishing little things like putting on the door knobs and setting the bathroom vanity in place. The plumber is coming this weekend to finish connecting the sink and the toilet. The painter is coming on Monday to paint the trim in the new master suite. He'll also be painting Gracie's room a different color.
I am so thankful that we are so close to completion. But, I want to move in now! I had grand plans to go ahead and move my clothes, shoes, etc. into the fabulous closet this weekend since it will be finished. Then I realized that there was crown molding in the closet!! Who puts crown molding in a closet? I guess they were striving for consistency. As hard as it is for me, I will be patient and wait for them to paint the trim in the closet.
Waiting, that is all I do. It's getting old. There is no additional baby news. I will let you know if anything happens.
I am so thankful that we are so close to completion. But, I want to move in now! I had grand plans to go ahead and move my clothes, shoes, etc. into the fabulous closet this weekend since it will be finished. Then I realized that there was crown molding in the closet!! Who puts crown molding in a closet? I guess they were striving for consistency. As hard as it is for me, I will be patient and wait for them to paint the trim in the closet.
Waiting, that is all I do. It's getting old. There is no additional baby news. I will let you know if anything happens.
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Movin' On Up
I am now offically # 3 on the list for the referral of my baby girl. Wow, how exciting! I am elated for the mother who received her referral but, selfishly, I am excited for myself as well. I am just a little closer to my beautiful baby girl. She could have three heads and I would still think she is beautiful!
Another mother in front of me was told to expect her referral this week. This is too much for me to comprehend - I may be #2 by the end of the week. I have never been so excited to be in second place!
Okay - I must confess that I was getting a bit down because of the lack of referrals this month. Thank you Lord for bringing together these families!! I pray this means that Gracie's referral will come in October after all. Please keep praying for Gracie and I and for the other families. Waiting is so difficult.
Another mother in front of me was told to expect her referral this week. This is too much for me to comprehend - I may be #2 by the end of the week. I have never been so excited to be in second place!
Okay - I must confess that I was getting a bit down because of the lack of referrals this month. Thank you Lord for bringing together these families!! I pray this means that Gracie's referral will come in October after all. Please keep praying for Gracie and I and for the other families. Waiting is so difficult.
Thursday, September 21, 2006
I don't have much to say.
My referral won't be here until next month. I hope that I can travel in January. I'd just like to move up the list.
Sunday, September 17, 2006
I know that I am being redundant. I can't help myself. Those of you who are adopting understand how I am feeling.
I should be getting my referral at any time. But I am trying to keep myself calm. I know that anything can happen. Here's the facts. There are supposed to be at least three referrals this month. I am number four, but one of the people ahead of me is someone waiting for a 3-5 year old girl. Logically one of these referrals should be Grace.
But Grace and my fates are so dependent on outside factors. Will the agency offer this mystery person an infant? Will they want an infant? Strangely the wait for older children is long. They might want to get their child now. Or they might not want to even consider a younger child. The uncertainty of it all.
I pray for referrals on Monday. I pray for Grace's referral on Monday.
I should be getting my referral at any time. But I am trying to keep myself calm. I know that anything can happen. Here's the facts. There are supposed to be at least three referrals this month. I am number four, but one of the people ahead of me is someone waiting for a 3-5 year old girl. Logically one of these referrals should be Grace.
But Grace and my fates are so dependent on outside factors. Will the agency offer this mystery person an infant? Will they want an infant? Strangely the wait for older children is long. They might want to get their child now. Or they might not want to even consider a younger child. The uncertainty of it all.
I pray for referrals on Monday. I pray for Grace's referral on Monday.
Thursday, September 14, 2006
A Rude Awakening
This morning the phone rang unusually early. I was certain it was a call about my referral and I jumped out of bed quickly. Due to construction I do not have a phone line in the bedroom. So I maneuvered furniture - sidestepped the sofa, breezed by the ottoman, stubbed my toe on a chair. Do you have a visual?
It was my father calling to inform me that the painter was coming at 7:00 a.m. I love my father but what a disappointment! I am very antsy these days. The call could come at anytime. They said three infant girl referrals in September. I am number three on the infant girl list and September is almost half over.
It was my father calling to inform me that the painter was coming at 7:00 a.m. I love my father but what a disappointment! I am very antsy these days. The call could come at anytime. They said three infant girl referrals in September. I am number three on the infant girl list and September is almost half over.
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Beautiful Ellie
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Life is a Rollercoaster of Emotions
It is NOT like me, but I am so emotional these days. I think that it is because I know in my heart that she has been born and is out there waiting for me. Just as I am waiting for her. The thought of that is simply amazing. It really tugs at your heart. I am getting teary as I type this!
I really lost it the other day ( I was literally blubbering) when I received an email. It was from another mother in Tennessee. She and her husband are adopting a little boy with chubby checks from the Red Cross orphanage in Danang. I had emailed her to congratulate her and her reply took my breath away.
She said that they hope to travel by November. My agency almost always refers from the Red Cross orphanage. Since I will have my referral by then, she said that she would hold my Gracie and tell her how much her Mommy loves her. She said that she would tell her how I was waiting to bring her home. She promised to take pictures. She is such a special person. And I have tears rolling down my face as I write this.
I really lost it the other day ( I was literally blubbering) when I received an email. It was from another mother in Tennessee. She and her husband are adopting a little boy with chubby checks from the Red Cross orphanage in Danang. I had emailed her to congratulate her and her reply took my breath away.
She said that they hope to travel by November. My agency almost always refers from the Red Cross orphanage. Since I will have my referral by then, she said that she would hold my Gracie and tell her how much her Mommy loves her. She said that she would tell her how I was waiting to bring her home. She promised to take pictures. She is such a special person. And I have tears rolling down my face as I write this.
Sunday, September 03, 2006
By the way...
I know that you have all been on the edge of your seat waiting for me to buy a new car. Well it's done. I bought a Chevy Tahoe. It actually belonged to my mother, has very low mileage and has been well maintained. It is a good carseat height. Now I just have to learn how to keep that tank between the yellow and the white lines!
There is Nothing Like Family
Yesterday we had a mini family reunion. My dad's only sibling died and couple of years ago and since then we haven't really gotten together with my cousins and their families. Yesterday we began a tradition. We have made the decision to get together every Labor Day. I am glad. We all share grandparents. We all have the same memories of Daddy J and Gracie.
To answer your question (you did have a question didn't you?) yes I am naming my daughter after my grandmother. She and I were extremely close. I miss her terribly, even though she died more than 9 years ago. She spoiled me shamefully and ALWAYS took my side. I am so thankful for all the great memories I have of my grandmother Gracie and I am thankful that I will have that to share with my daughter Grace.
I can already tell that my father will be like that with baby Grace. That will be very special for her. Maybe not great for me in the discipline area, but always a special relationship for them.
To depict the fabulousness of family, I leave you with a picture of cousins Kaitlyn (left) and McKenna.
To answer your question (you did have a question didn't you?) yes I am naming my daughter after my grandmother. She and I were extremely close. I miss her terribly, even though she died more than 9 years ago. She spoiled me shamefully and ALWAYS took my side. I am so thankful for all the great memories I have of my grandmother Gracie and I am thankful that I will have that to share with my daughter Grace.
I can already tell that my father will be like that with baby Grace. That will be very special for her. Maybe not great for me in the discipline area, but always a special relationship for them.
To depict the fabulousness of family, I leave you with a picture of cousins Kaitlyn (left) and McKenna.

Friday, September 01, 2006
Searching for a New Vehicle
I am searching for a new vehicle. It will NOT be a car. I bought a car when I totaled my GMC Jimmy a few years ago. It was a 97 model but I loved it so much. I would be driving it today if I could.
Therefore I am searching for another SUV. I really like the Envoy. Is it because I am searching for my beloved Jimmy? Is that why I am looking at another GMC?
The shopping is different now. While searching this time, I have to consider if the potential vehicle will be good for lifting a baby in and out.
That's exciting.
Therefore I am searching for another SUV. I really like the Envoy. Is it because I am searching for my beloved Jimmy? Is that why I am looking at another GMC?
The shopping is different now. While searching this time, I have to consider if the potential vehicle will be good for lifting a baby in and out.
That's exciting.
Sunday, August 27, 2006
The Pains of Construction
My house is covered in a layer of dust. My solution - I have tried to dust everything and put away things that will collect dust. The sheets covering the furniture make it look as if I am movin' out!
But check out my new master suite. This is my fabulous closet that will have shelves all along the back wall. Shelves for my precious shoes.
My new bedroom has a lovely tree outside the window. You can also see my parent's house. I am so thankful to have them. I am going to be a single mom and I am glad I have their support.

I can't wait until this is done and I can move into my new digs and prepare my old room for Gracie. I can't wait to put up her baby bed.
But check out my new master suite. This is my fabulous closet that will have shelves all along the back wall. Shelves for my precious shoes.

I can't wait until this is done and I can move into my new digs and prepare my old room for Gracie. I can't wait to put up her baby bed.
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
I feel like I am making progress. The addition is going well. It has walls and a roof. They plan to have shingles on it this week! They bought the bathtub earlier in the week, so they could get it in before they closed in the walls. Most importantly - the closet is going to be fabulous!
The most exciting news is that the referral could happen very soon. The best case scenario - we will be home by Christmas. That is only if EVERYTHING goes perfectly.
Most likely the referral will come in October and I can travel in January or February.
My sister Terri (who will be traveling with me) called me in a panic yesterday. She just found out that the one of the hepatitis vaccinations we'll be getting takes six months to complete! I had no idea that the shots are taken in stages. We have them scheduled.
Today was a good day. I feel like I will see my baby's face soon!
The most exciting news is that the referral could happen very soon. The best case scenario - we will be home by Christmas. That is only if EVERYTHING goes perfectly.
Most likely the referral will come in October and I can travel in January or February.
My sister Terri (who will be traveling with me) called me in a panic yesterday. She just found out that the one of the hepatitis vaccinations we'll be getting takes six months to complete! I had no idea that the shots are taken in stages. We have them scheduled.
Today was a good day. I feel like I will see my baby's face soon!
Friday, August 11, 2006
You HAVEN'T Got Mail
I am an insane person who checks her email constantly!! Everytime I expect to see that someone has gotten a referral and I am a bit closer. Even better - sometimes I think that MY referral could be in there.
I seriously need to relax.
That is easier said than done. With each passing day I become more impatient. I want to see her face and, as my friend Susan has heard over and over, I want to know how much she weighs. It's all about the shopping.
For now my world is filled with uncertainties. How long until my referral? How old is she? Once I get my referral, how long until I travel. Will my friend Susan and I get to travel together to get our daughters? Will airline restrictions prohibit me from bringing my laptop and new camcorder in my carry on luggage? Most importantly...how much will she weigh?
This is how my mind is working these days. Scary huh? Questions in my head. Over and over again.
I had a weird dream last night. I was at my house and I see my sister Terri (who is traveling with me to Vietnam) walking up the driveway. Terri is carrying a little Vietnamese boy she has just adopted. If you know Terri this is funny. She has raised two children and her youngest is a senior in high school. She doesn't want any more children. She said she will be more than content to rock MY baby.
I want to rock my baby too. I hope that I can do that soon.
I seriously need to relax.
That is easier said than done. With each passing day I become more impatient. I want to see her face and, as my friend Susan has heard over and over, I want to know how much she weighs. It's all about the shopping.
For now my world is filled with uncertainties. How long until my referral? How old is she? Once I get my referral, how long until I travel. Will my friend Susan and I get to travel together to get our daughters? Will airline restrictions prohibit me from bringing my laptop and new camcorder in my carry on luggage? Most importantly...how much will she weigh?
This is how my mind is working these days. Scary huh? Questions in my head. Over and over again.
I had a weird dream last night. I was at my house and I see my sister Terri (who is traveling with me to Vietnam) walking up the driveway. Terri is carrying a little Vietnamese boy she has just adopted. If you know Terri this is funny. She has raised two children and her youngest is a senior in high school. She doesn't want any more children. She said she will be more than content to rock MY baby.
I want to rock my baby too. I hope that I can do that soon.
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Construction Begins
The builders will really get going tomorrow. It's been slow going so far (foundation stuff). Now they are beginning to frame everything up. I can't wait for the addition to be done because my house is a wreck.
I have a ton of things that are lingering around ready to fill the new space. Especially baby stuff. It's everywhere. I have the changing table tucked a corner of my bedroom. Piled on top of it is everything from clothes to bedding.
The really hard part is that I can do nothing until the addition is finished. I am moving into the new master suite and the baby will be in my room. I am ready to paint, put up the baby bed and make it look all sweet and soothing. Everything in my life requires what I don't have - patience.
Work has been busy this week and that has helped keep me focused. Next week things will slow down and I will once again have trouble concentrating. Nothing but baby on the brain.
I have a ton of things that are lingering around ready to fill the new space. Especially baby stuff. It's everywhere. I have the changing table tucked a corner of my bedroom. Piled on top of it is everything from clothes to bedding.
The really hard part is that I can do nothing until the addition is finished. I am moving into the new master suite and the baby will be in my room. I am ready to paint, put up the baby bed and make it look all sweet and soothing. Everything in my life requires what I don't have - patience.
Work has been busy this week and that has helped keep me focused. Next week things will slow down and I will once again have trouble concentrating. Nothing but baby on the brain.
Sunday, August 06, 2006
Happy Birthday Nanny!!
Yesterday was Mother's birthday. She is know to many as Nanny. When my niece Crystal was born, my mother decided she wanted to be called Nanny by her first grandchild. She thought it sounded alot like her name - Nancy.
We all got together and grilled steaks last night. Earlier in the day I went and bought the birthday cake, potatoes, salad, etc. While I was out I picked up some things for myself. Some great, inexpensive t-shirts in a variety of colors, new underwear, etc. I also began picking up various medicines for the trip. That stuff is so expensive that I want to pick up a little at a time. That way I won't go into shock about the price of the otc medicines we'll need.
I have to think about something other than the baby (the inhumanity). I have to think about work this week. I am the fundraiser for the local PBS staton. We do two pledge drives each year. The August drive started last night. I hate pledge drives. They are, in my opinion, a terrible way to fundraise.
Can I concentrate on something other than my referral? I'll let you know how it goes.
We all got together and grilled steaks last night. Earlier in the day I went and bought the birthday cake, potatoes, salad, etc. While I was out I picked up some things for myself. Some great, inexpensive t-shirts in a variety of colors, new underwear, etc. I also began picking up various medicines for the trip. That stuff is so expensive that I want to pick up a little at a time. That way I won't go into shock about the price of the otc medicines we'll need.
I have to think about something other than the baby (the inhumanity). I have to think about work this week. I am the fundraiser for the local PBS staton. We do two pledge drives each year. The August drive started last night. I hate pledge drives. They are, in my opinion, a terrible way to fundraise.
Can I concentrate on something other than my referral? I'll let you know how it goes.
Thursday, August 03, 2006
Many people say that the hardest wait is not waiting for your referral, but the wait from referral to travel. I guess that I will know the answer to that question eventually, but right now I just can't imagine that.
All waiting is probably excruciating. The wait for my 171 was hard. It took nine weeks. Then it was a whirlwind of letters, notaries, certifications, etc. The my dossier was off. Now things are out of my hands. I should be praying for God to give me patience. I am not. I am praying for God to hurry up my referral and get my baby home by Christmas.
Patience. I really need that.
The furniture for Gracie's room is trickling in. Yesterday the chest of drawers came and the glider came earlier in the week. The baby bed is coming some time this month.
The real urgency is the addition. I am adding on a bedroom, bathroom and an ENORMOUS closet. The foundation has been laid and the builder was supposed to start today. But when I talked to him last night he said that it would be the end of NEXT week. The baby will be in my room. So until the addition is complete and I have a new room, I can't start on the baby's room.
I am not worrying so much about the paperwork anymore. Since Fed-exing my dossier I have been imagining all the possible problems in the paperwork. I am so afraid that some little, seemingly insignificant detail will be a problem. I just can't sweat it anymore. I am generally not a worrier and it was taking too much of my energy.
My dossier is at the embassy in San Franciso. After that it goes straight to Vietnam for translation. My prayer is that I will soon be in Vietnam also.
My friend Susan (who is also adopting from Vietnam) is probably so sick of me. She has to hear the same comments over and over from me. The most popular one is "I want to know what size she is." Life would be easier if I could shop with confidence.
She has become a great friend. I really hope that we can travel together to meet our daughters. How wonderful would that be?
All waiting is probably excruciating. The wait for my 171 was hard. It took nine weeks. Then it was a whirlwind of letters, notaries, certifications, etc. The my dossier was off. Now things are out of my hands. I should be praying for God to give me patience. I am not. I am praying for God to hurry up my referral and get my baby home by Christmas.
Patience. I really need that.
The furniture for Gracie's room is trickling in. Yesterday the chest of drawers came and the glider came earlier in the week. The baby bed is coming some time this month.
The real urgency is the addition. I am adding on a bedroom, bathroom and an ENORMOUS closet. The foundation has been laid and the builder was supposed to start today. But when I talked to him last night he said that it would be the end of NEXT week. The baby will be in my room. So until the addition is complete and I have a new room, I can't start on the baby's room.
I am not worrying so much about the paperwork anymore. Since Fed-exing my dossier I have been imagining all the possible problems in the paperwork. I am so afraid that some little, seemingly insignificant detail will be a problem. I just can't sweat it anymore. I am generally not a worrier and it was taking too much of my energy.
My dossier is at the embassy in San Franciso. After that it goes straight to Vietnam for translation. My prayer is that I will soon be in Vietnam also.
My friend Susan (who is also adopting from Vietnam) is probably so sick of me. She has to hear the same comments over and over from me. The most popular one is "I want to know what size she is." Life would be easier if I could shop with confidence.
She has become a great friend. I really hope that we can travel together to meet our daughters. How wonderful would that be?
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
How it all began...
I can tell you exactly when this all began. My dog Ellie (the most fabulous Yorkie in the world) had done something adorable and I reached for the phone to call Mother. I just had to tell someone how cute she was. That’s when it hit me...if I feel this way about my dog how much love would I have for a child. That was in November 2005.
My social worker visited my home in March 2006. The completed home study arrived at my home on May 15, 2006. I had my fingerprints done the next day! My I 171H came in at the beginning of July.
My dossier was received at VORF on July 28.
My social worker visited my home in March 2006. The completed home study arrived at my home on May 15, 2006. I had my fingerprints done the next day! My I 171H came in at the beginning of July.
My dossier was received at VORF on July 28.
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